Pan Number : AAATS4632C | 80(G) : Pn/CIT-III/Tech/80G/310/2009-10/3572

11 Reasons Why Charity is Important

Why Charity is Important

Charity is defined as the generosity and helpfulness of people, especially toward the needy or suffering. Charity can be administered by people of all walks of life. It brings about immediate relief to the suffering, the objective being human welfare. Charity is also defined as giving resources like time and money without expecting anything in return. 

10 Reasons Why Charity is Important 

People say that charity begins at home, and in a diverse country like India which still hovers in the developing stage is dependent on the philanthropy of the elite. The generosity of the upper class looks to bridge the gap that exists within society so that everybody has the capacity and capability to lead a decent life. The importance of charity is unquestionable in a country like India as it induces a myriad of benefits in modern societal structures. The importance of charity has been elucidated vividly in the next few pointers: 

Here are a few reasons why charity is important:   

1. Charity Creates Community 

Charity brings people together under the most unfortunate of circumstances to help bring relief and light into the lives of people that have suffered a loss, due to natural calamities, political agendas, economic meltdowns or violations of human rights. It’s ironic how tragedy can bring out the best in people. 

2. Charity Enforces Awareness

As much as charity offers a sense of community; owing to all the white noise surrounding society in today’s day and age. Many Important Causes and Issues that require support get lost in the abyss. A large chunk of the masses remains vastly unaware of the urgency that certain issues pose. In turn, leaving them in denial of the reality of society. 

Charity draws attention to and creates a strong voice for the projection of these causes. Charity is important because it raises awareness of issues and gives donors the power to do something about them.

3. Human Welfare Is The Objective Of Charity

Human Welfare in all forms and sizes is the objective of Charity. Ranging from Calamity Relief to the Eradication of Suppression, Charity aims at bettering Human Life in every way possible. It aims to care for the Physical, Mental and Emotional deficits that the world faces today; while also showcasing in its most raw form the truth about Love, Light and Hope. 

4. Charity Brings About Unity In Diversity

The charity encourages people to look beyond the barriers and boundaries based on discrimination. It seeks to terminate ill-willed outdated behavioural patterns that have been normalized. It preaches a more harmonious lifestyle, where people are unified by the appreciation of cultural differences and acceptance and respect for human life. 

5. Charity Prepares The Generations To Come

The outburst of togetherness that Charity represents paints the perfect picture of an example of the power of generosity and kindness for the generations to come. It passes the torch that represents the vision of a better world, forward.

6. Charity Diminishes Poverty

Poverty is one of the world’s leading problems and has yet to be weathered. About 9.2% of the world, or 689 million people, live in extreme poverty. The charity helps reach as many people lacking basic human resources and addresses their issues. It has still to reach its optimization but with every act of kindness and the smallest of donations, it diminishes the weight of poverty.

Charitable organizations are very effective at reducing poverty. This is thanks to a focus on the factors that contribute to poverty, such as gender inequality and limited access to education. Over the years, the poverty rate has been cut down significantly. In 2015, the 1990 poverty rate was cut in half five years ahead of schedule. Charity played a big role in that achievement.

7. Charity Helps Communities Become Sustainable 

Charities that focus on sustainability prioritize the need for a strong foundation, ranging from training programs to business expansions to educational facilities. In this arena, there is a return on donations because self-sufficient communities no longer require donations to support themselves. 

8. Charities Protect Public Health

The lack of access to good healthcare is a serious issue. Issues like contaminated water contribute to sickness and the death of hundreds of thousands of people every year. When people aren’t healthy, it affects every aspect of life and fuels poverty. Charities that focus on health through vaccine programs, clean water restoration, and other services allow the masses at large to improve their lives.

9. Charities Fosters Education

A large part of the world still doesn’t have access to basic primary education. Education helps make people aware of their rights. The lack of which erodes their lifestyle and in turn creates a lot of unrest.

Charities that focus on Education help improve the life expectancy of people at large, simply by providing them with the tools they need to live a fruitful life. 

10. Charity Protects The Environment

Charities that focus on environmental betterment have over the years been able to spread awareness about the toxicity of certain materials that we dispose of. Donations to such Charities help preserve our planet.

11. Charity Helps Spread Positivity

Lastly, Charity helps foster a positive attitude even through the roughest of storms. It brings people together to fight towards a singular cause, the betterment of the world at large. In doing so it creates a sense of peace and harmony even whilst we take small steps through the storm of calamity and suffering; and leads us steadily into a better tomorrow.


In a Nutshell Charity is; by the People, for the People. Its importance has been discussed in detail in this article along with the benefits it induces within society. Along with the requirement for charity, India has some of the biggest philanthropists in the world. NGOs and NPOs working alongside the government look to better the standards of living in the country. 

The article sheds light on the importance of charity, especially in a country like India. India has many charitable institutions out of which one of the biggest institutions is the Sakal Relief Fund which has been operational since the 1942 floods in Bengal. Their approach has been direct and the relief SRF has provided has benefitted many families and people. For more information you can log onto our website. 


About Author

Sakal Relief Fund

The Sakal Relief Fund has been raising funds and extending financial assistance during natural calamities in India since 1942. Sakal Relief Fund is one of the largest donors in India. Mr. Pawar is Chairman of Board of Trustees.

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