Pan Number : AAATS4632C | 80(G) : Pn/CIT-III/Tech/80G/310/2009-10/3572

Providing Support to Underprivileged Cancer Patients in India: Top 10 NGOs

Providing Support to Underprivileged Cancer Patients in India

Issue Of Cancer Care For Underprivileged Individuals In India

Cancer is a major health issue in India, with an estimated 2.25 million people living with the disease in 2023. Unfortunately, cancer care is often inaccessible or unaffordable for underprivileged individuals in India, who constitute a large proportion of the population. This creates significant disparities in cancer care and outcomes, as those with limited financial means are often unable to access the necessary treatment and care.

One of the main challenges in cancer care for underprivileged individuals in India is the lack of awareness and screening programs, particularly in rural areas. Many people are not aware of the symptoms of cancer or the importance of early detection and screening, which can lead to late diagnosis and poor outcomes.

Another challenge is the cost of cancer care, which can be prohibitive for many underprivileged individuals. Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy, are expensive and require multiple sessions, making them unaffordable for those with limited financial means.

Several NGOs and government initiatives are working towards improving cancer care for underprivileged individuals in India. These initiatives focus on raising awareness, improving screening programs, providing financial assistance, and improving access to specialized cancer care facilities and trained healthcare professionals. However, much more needs to be done to address the disparities in cancer care and improve outcomes for underprivileged individuals in India.

Top 10 NGOs for Cancer Care in India

Following are ten NGOs that are working towards improving cancer care in India:

  1. CanSupport: CanSupport is an NGO that provides free palliative care services to cancer patients and their families in Delhi. They provide home-based care, counseling, and financial assistance to help patients manage the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of cancer care.
  2. Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA): CPAA is an NGO that provides support services to cancer patients and their families across India. They provide financial assistance, counseling, rehabilitation services, and free medication to help patients manage their cancer care.
  3. Indian Cancer Society (ICS): ICS is an NGO that focuses on cancer prevention and awareness in India. They provide cancer screening and diagnostic services, education on healthy lifestyle habits, and support for cancer patients and survivors.
  4. Tata Memorial Hospital: Tata Memorial Hospital is a leading cancer care center in Mumbai, operated by the Tata Memorial Centre. They provide comprehensive cancer care services, including diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, to patients from across India.
  5. Cankids…Kidscan: Cankids…Kidscan is an NGO that focuses on improving the lives of children with cancer in India. They provide psychosocial support, education, and financial assistance to help families manage the costs associated with cancer care.
  6. Swasthgram: Swasthgram is an NGO that provides cancer screening and diagnostic services to rural communities in India. They operate mobile health clinics and provide education on cancer prevention and early detection.
  7. Friends of Max: Friends of Max is an NGO that provides support and advocacy for patients with a rare form of cancer called Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). They provide information, education, and financial assistance to help patients manage their treatment and care.
  8. V Care Foundation: V Care Foundation is an NGO that provides emotional and financial support to cancer patients and their families across India. They provide counseling services, free medication, and financial assistance to help patients manage the costs associated with cancer care.
  9. Cansupport Foundation: Cansupport Foundation is an NGO that provides palliative care services to cancer patients in Delhi. They provide home-based care, counseling, and financial assistance to help patients manage the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of cancer care.
  10. The Max Foundation: The Max Foundation is an international NGO that provides support and advocacy for patients with rare cancers in India. They provide access to life-saving medications, education, and financial assistance to help patients manage their treatment and care.

Importance Of Ngos In Providing Support For These Patients

NGOs play a critical role in providing support for cancer patients in India. Cancer care is often expensive, complex, and emotionally challenging, making it difficult for patients and their families to navigate the healthcare system and manage the physical, emotional, and financial aspects of cancer care. This is particularly challenging for underprivileged individuals who may not have access to the necessary resources or support systems.

NGOs can provide a range of support services to cancer patients, including counseling, financial assistance, medication, palliative care, and rehabilitation. They can also help raise awareness about cancer prevention and early detection, and advocate for policy changes to improve access to cancer care.

NGOs can fill important gaps in the healthcare system, particularly in underserved areas where there may be limited access to specialized cancer care facilities or trained healthcare professionals. They can also provide personalized care and support that may not be available in larger healthcare institutions.


Cancer care for underprivileged individuals in India remains a significant challenge, with many barriers to accessing necessary treatment and care. Addressing this issue requires a collaborative effort from government, NGOs, healthcare professionals, and the community to improve awareness, reduce costs, and improve access to quality cancer care for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status.

To join this fight against cancer, visit our website for further information.


About Author

Sakal Relief Fund

The Sakal Relief Fund has been raising funds and extending financial assistance during natural calamities in India since 1942. Sakal Relief Fund is one of the largest donors in India. Mr. Pawar is Chairman of Board of Trustees.

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