Pan Number : AAATS4632C | 80(G) : Pn/CIT-III/Tech/80G/310/2009-10/3572

Help Others to Help Yourself

Help Others to Help Yourself

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ― Anne Frank

Helping others can give some people immense joy. Doing good deeds always adds into good karmas. In these tough times during covid many people have helped one another in various ways. Some have offered home-cooked food for the sick, some started donation drives for the homeless, some have donated financially, some have supported with just by being there for mental stability and so much more.

Doing good or serving others cannot be measured. Even a small help gives you a sense of positive feeling. It also shows humanity still exists. During pandemic we have come across plenty of news articles of how people have supported & helped each other. No religion, caste or position comes into consideration when you help others and that is the beauty of it. We all unite and become one.

Many NGOs collaborated with people who donated medicines, food, blankets, etc. along with volunteers to help the homeless who suffered immensely during the pandemic. They have no way of giving back to us but their blessings and smile on their face gives enough to know that “Yes, I did a good thing”. 

How Helping Others Actually Helps Yourself

How helping others can actually help you? Well, it helps you live longer and happier because you are less likely to be in a depressive state of mind, you feel optimistic about life, you also feel a strong purpose of living more so you can give more. 

Here are a few reasons how helping others actually helps yourself:

1. You Get What You Give – If you are someone who is out there helping others, then good deeds will come back to you. You may not know in which form, but they do. They say “As you sow, so you reap,” it is true and powerful. They quantity of helping others is not the main concern, the quality of help is important.

2. You Feel Good – Watching others smile, or tear up, or show any form of gesture after you have helped them makes you feel so good from within.

3. Public Recognition Is Also a Bonus – doing good deeds never go unnoticed. Many people get recognized for helping others. People may not do it intentionally to get noticed publicly, but that is one added benefit.

4. You End Up Inspiring Others – you want more and more people like you to think alike and get inspired, hence it ends up being one big community where like-minded people get together to help one another.

5. Gives Life A Purpose – when you know you are making a difference out there, you know you have won! You always wanted to change the way things were and started doing good deeds and helping others, it gives you an adrenaline rush to do more for your society. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.

6. Let’s Us Be Grateful – when we take the initiative to help others, we end up feeling grateful for all the things we have in our lives. There are many who are without shelter, food, loved ones, a job, or money. When we look at our lives, we feel nothing but gratitude.

7. A good distraction from our problems – helping others keeps our mind working and distracted from our current live situations. It gives us more time to put our energy into the task rather than worrying about our problems.

8. Makes us compassionate – showing a feeling of empathy or sympathy means you have emotions, and humanity!Helping others makes you compassionate towards others and reduces your stress levels & releasing happy hormones.

9. Boosts Self-esteem – Once you start helping others, you feel more responsible, and have higher self-esteem. The more you help, the more confident you start to feel.

10. You become humbler – your outlook towards life suddenly starts to change when you help others. You start to find a meaning in life and you start to have a very humble approach to things. You are calmer and more positive.


Now if you are feeling any of these things after helping others, we are sure we all fall in the like-minded community. If you wish to experience these wonderful things, it is never too late to take the first step. Start small, and see where you can help someone.

If you wish to support our natural disaster or calamities related relief work, you can donate online and help a lot of people out there. Sakal Relief Fund – a disaster response NGO have served underprivileged communities with flood relief material such as drinking water facilities, food item distribution, and healthcare and medical support. If you wish to do the same, you can get in touch with us.


About Author

Sakal Relief Fund

The Sakal Relief Fund has been raising funds and extending financial assistance during natural calamities in India since 1942. Sakal Relief Fund is one of the largest donors in India. Mr. Pawar is Chairman of Board of Trustees.

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